The Glen Moidart Papers
Rentals of the Estate which belonged to Donald Macdonald late of Kinlochmoidart, 23 Jan'y 1748/49

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                                                                             No. 476

46 ( c )  1748/49                                                                    Examined at Record Office London.  by R. Rouse 18-6-38

Rentals of the Estate which belonged to Donald Macdonald late of

Kinlochmoidart, lying in the Parish of Island Finnan and

Shire of Inverness. – Taken by David Bruce, one of the

Surveyors of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland

                                                                                         23 Jany 1748/49

                                                                                         Exd WB. Apl 4/1749

23 Jany. 1748/49

Tenants Names                             Possessions                                                                     Money Rent and Converted Casualties

2.  Dr John Macdonald           For 1 Merkland of the three Merklands of  Kinlochiune           £112.  17.   8



3.  (Alexander    -----           “  part of the same land to the extent of fve shillings                   42.  13.   4   

     (Ann                                                                     6 shillings and 8 pennies                         56.    0.   0

4. Duncan Boyd                    “           “          “           “     1 shilling  and 8      “                         14.    4.    0

5. John McEacharan              “           “          “           “     3 s                  4                                28.    0.    0

6. (Neil Beaton                       “           “          “           “    1                     8                                14.    4.    0               

   (Donald MacPherson                                              

9. John Smith                         “           “          “           “     3                      4                              27.  13.    4

10. (John Macpherson            “           “          “           “                          10                                 6.  18.    4

(Dougal Roy                            “          “           “          “                           10                                 6.  18.    4

(Hugh MacLeod                       “          “           “          “                            8                                13.  16.    8

6. John McEacharan   For ¾ of the merkland of Kulis Ian Og – Kulismore and Shunaveg           62.    0.    0

7. Angus MacPherson For the other quarter            “      “    “    “                                               20.   16.   8

11. Alexander McLachlan  For a six shilling and 3 Penny land of the Markland of Ulgary             55.     0.   0

      Angus Macdonald          “  part of said Merkland to the extent of 1s  and three pennies      11.     0.   0

12. John Macdonald             “           “          “           “          “   of    1 shilling and 8 Pennies       14.   13.   4

      Angus  ---   younger       “           “          “           “          “            1                    8                  14.   13.   4

      Rory Macdougall             “           “          “           “                 “     2                    6                  22.     0.   0

3.   Donald McDonald     Equally for half the merkland of Assary                                                  58.   13.   4

      John McDonald

      Angus McDonald

8. Margaret Cameron    For the Merkland of Glenforslan and half the merkland of Duilad        162.  13.    4

    Ranald Macdonald                  “                        “         Irine                 “    “          Forsy         120.    0.    0

4. Donald Mcdonald       For a three quarters part of the half merkland of Isiroy                        29.    6.    8

    Hugh Smith               “  part of the half merkland of Isiroy to the extent of 1s. – 8d               14.  13.    4

    Hugh Macdonald       “    “    “      “    “    “                        "                           1s. – 8d               14.  13.    4

There follows the valuation of the Kinlochmoidarts own estate house, gardens and salmon fishing (valued at £12 – fishing

never valued before)

NB   The tenants pay the Kings Cess, the Ministers Stipends

and the other Publick Burdens over and above these rents.

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