Copy of Original Journal & Memoires
of Prince Charles's
Expedition into Scotland 1745-6
By a Highland Officer in his Army
Together with transcript

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Journal - Introduction

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Page numbered 42

upon which their advanced guard of 200 Horse and
the Argyleshire Cambels as Militia immediatly
halted and drew up in order also. but we perceiving
their whole Army advancing retreated again. Cbd.
encamped on this ground and we marched back to
Colloden Muir on the 14th Our Army had ^ no pay in
money for a considerable ^ time past but meal only
which the men being obliged to sell out & convert
into money which ^ went but ashort way for their
other needs, at which the poor Creatures grumbel'd
exceedingly and were suspicious yt we the officers
                             to appease them          ourselves
had detained it from them ^ we obliged us ^ to pro-
mise them payment of all their Arrears two days
befor the battle, which we not being able to per
form ^ made the fellows refractory & more ne-
gligent of their duty; However on tuesday the
15th we lay under our arms upon the hill all day
expecting the Enemy without any other provisi-
on but asea biscuit to each man: In the Evening
^ was resolved in a Council of War that we should
march under cloud of night & attack the Enemy
in their Camp at Nairn judging yt this being
the D. of C.ds birth day his Army would make
merry and be less prepared for a Surprise ---
                                               set out
Accordingly we began our March ^ about 8 aclock
that night with express orders to observe the