Journal - 1745, comparison with Lockhart - 1817

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= omitted from Lockhart
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Page numbered 16

His R. H. on Teusday Tuesday fornoon forenoon, being the 17th of Sepr. September, marched the rest of his little Army army from Grey’s Millns Grays milns  through the Kg’s Park K’s park and there encamping came himself to the Royal Palace royal palace at the Abbay Abby of Holly-rood house. amidst avast a vast croud of spectators who from Town & Country town and country, flocked together to see this uncommon sight expressing their Surprise surprise &  and Joy joy together by loud & and frequent huzza’s huzzas; indeed the whole Scence scene, as I have been told by many, was rather like a dream,   so quick & and amazing seemed the change, tho no doubt wise people saw well enough we had much to do still. 

(Page break in Lockhart)

After two days ? stay in Edn Edinburgh for our refreshment, & and proclamation made over the Cross, of the P’s Rengency Regency, & and some necessarys provided, we were ordered order’d to encamp at Dudingston avilge about a mile S East S. east from Edn. Edinburgh, his His R. H. remaining all night in the Abbay Abby all night with his guards; and visiting and reviewing us every day, till Friday Friday morning, the P. having learned yt that Genl General Cope was landed at Dunbar with the addition of some Highland Companys companys raised by the Government.,  his H. R. H. marched us from the field at Dudingston early in the Morning morning, and about 3 three in the afternoon we were in Sight of the Enemy sight of the enemy, who had taken up their ground on the plain bewest near the
