Journal - 1745, comparison with Lockhart - 1817

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= omitted from Lockhart
Italics = included in Lockhart
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Page numbered 24

the Army army marched to Manchester and halted there.  beat Here we beat up for recruits and begun began to form the Manchester Regimt. Regiment. the 30th Decemr. December first, we marched to Macclesfield; here Coll Car (?)Gryden being sent out to get intelligence of the Enemy, took Capt. Vere, a spy, prisoner by whom he learned that the D. of Cumberland with his Army of foot & Dragoons lay at Newcastle upon Tyne

(No para break in Lockhart)

Decr. 2nd  the second, the Van van marched to Congleton (within 9 miles of Nw.castle under Line) within nine miles of New Castle under line where at which place the Main main body of  the D. Duke of Cumberland’s Cumberlands Army army lay.  From Congleton Coll Car Colonell K. was sent out with a detachmt detatchment towards Newcastle New Castle for Intelligence intelligence, and within 3 three miles of yt that place he took Mr Wear Mr. Weir, their cheif spy, prisoner & and brought him ? to Congleton, upon which the D. of Cumberlands Army Duke of Cumberlands army retir’d retired to Litchfield Leitchfield.  the P.R. The P. Rt., having Intelligence intelligence of his retreat from Newcastle New Castle under Line line, marched for Derby by Ashburn ? .;  Decr. 3rd December the third the Van march’d van marched to Ashburn by Leck Leek, the main body rested the 2d second at Macclesfield & and marched the 3d third to Leck Leek.;  the 4th fourth the whole Army went to Derby, where they stay’d stayed all the 5th fifth, and in a Council of War council of war held in his R.H. His R. H. presence (dispatches of importance being received) it was resolved to return to Scotld. Scotland.

(Para break in Lockhart)

how How far this was the properest Course course has been much canvass’d canvassd, so thinking some thought some thinking the Intelligence intelligence fm Scotld  from Scotland of the great numbers conveened conveend in Arms arms or landed from France was an ane imposition and yt that the P. with great unwillingness consented to aretreat a retreat.  One thing is certain, never were our Highlanders in higher Spirits spirits notwithstanding their long & fatiguing march; they had indeed


Lockhart clarifies date as 1st December.
In the Journal "Leek" appears to be written as "Leck"